CBD Benefits For Dogs

CBD is a cannabinoid compound that is present in hemp and marijuana plants. CBD holds multitudinous therapeutic traits that help in managing several health issues that influence your body. The non-psychoactive characteristic of this cannabinoid means that consuming CBD will not leave its users feeling a ‘high’. Studies reveal the interrelation between CBD and cannabinoid receptors – CB1 and CB2, to regulate several body functions.

According to some recent studies, CBD can also be beneficial for your dogs. Animals also possess an endocannabinoid system and your dogs suffer from many health disorders similar to humans. Anecdotal records are showing that giving CBD to dogs can help in alleviating these health problems and improve the quality of their life.

CBD Benefits For Dogs

Like humans, dogs also suffer from a lot of health problems. Sometimes we find it difficult to determine the health problems faced by our dogs. If you see your dog not being enthusiastic or always hiding under the bed, it may be because of anxiety. A commonly observed form of anxiety in dogs is separation anxiety. Giving CBD dog treats is one of the best natural ways to alleviate anxiety in dogs.

Arthritis is one of the inflammatory disorders that usually affect your dogs. It should be treated immediately because it may lead to joint damage. Studies suggest that the anti-inflammatory traits contained in CBD help in the reduction of inflammation in the joints. Giving CBD dog treats at night can help your dog sleep better.

Consider These Before Buying CBD Dog Treats

It is important to buy CBD dog treats that are organic and natural. Due attention must be given when giving CBD to your dogs. When you buy a CBD product for your dog, make sure that it is made from organically grown hemp plants. Such CBD products do not contain any chemical pesticides that could harm your dog.

The federal law allows CBD manufacturers to add less than 0.3 % THC in CBD products. This amount is not harmful to humans but harmful for dogs. Therefore, always buy CBD products that are free of THC.

It is better to check the list of ingredients before you buy a CBD product for dogs. Some products contain chemical ingredients that can cause allergic reactions. Always check the third-party lab testing report before buying a CBD product. It contains information like the CBD concentration, presence of heavy metals and harmful chemicals, etc. in the product.