CBD For Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain disorder that causes soft tissue pain. Recent studies are showing that CBD may be helpful in alleviating the pain and inflammation associated with this condition.

CBD For Fibromyalgia

Many recent studies have looked at the effects of CBD in alleviating fibromyalgia. Studies have also looked at how THC helps in managing fibromyalgia and showed positive results. Almost all the studies that looked at managing fibromyalgia using cannabinoids included THC in the dose. THC is the psychoactive cannabinoid that can create a euphoric sensation and that is why it is illegal in most states.

According to the studies, people suffering from fibromyalgia experienced a significant improvement in pain when they took CBD combined with a small amount of THC. Since the doses that were given to the patients contained THC, it is impossible to figure out what exactly the effects of CBD in treating fibromyalgia are.

Studies have found that cannabinoids like CBD and THC can interact with the cannabinoid receptors of the endocannabinoid system and helps in regulating pain perception. CBD can interrupt the nerve pathways and block the pain signals. This way you will get good relief from the pain caused by fibromyalgia.

CBD can attach to the CB2 cannabinoid receptors in your brain, which plays a major role in pain and inflammation management. This interaction is helpful in alleviating different types of pain that affect your body. In 2016, a study showed that deficiency of endocannabinoids can lead to many chronic pain syndromes, like migraine and fibromyalgia.

Choosing The Best CBD Product For Fibromyalgia Treatment

When you look for a CBD product to manage the pain associated with fibromyalgia, you need to make sure that it is of the highest quality. You need to ensure that the product is derived from the hemp plant that is grown organically by following all the agricultural guidelines.

Look at the label of the CBD product and you may be able to see terms like organic, natural, hemp-derived, full-spectrum, etc. If these terms are not there, then it is a fake CBD product and it is better to stay away from it.

All the reputable CBD brands test their products in a third-party lab and publish the results on the company website. The lab testing results contain valuable information like the CBD concentration, presence of heavy metals, pesticides, etc.