CBD For Dogs

The use of CBD products has increased at a rapid pace during the last few years. This is mainly because people recognized that the therapeutic benefits CBD offer is valid and that CBD can really help.  The benefits of CBD on various diseases are being studied by many researchers. Just like humans, dogs can also get the benefits associated with CBD. This revelation made many dog users try out giving CBD treats to their dogs. CBD for dogs is kind of a trending subject and many people are giving CBD products to their dogs. Many dog owners know that CBD is safe for dogs but doesn’t know how much should they give to their dog. Due to this problem, many are abstaining from giving their dogs CBD.

In this article, we are discussing the dosage you can give your dog.

How CBD Can Benefit Dogs?

Humans use CBD for therapeutic benefits and general wellness. CBD works on humans because we have an endocannabinoid system (ECS) in our body and CBD acts on it. Similarly, dogs also have ECS. So dogs can also feel calm and relaxed through CBD consumption. It helps them to be active and joyful throughout the day and may help with inflammations too. Appetite loss, pain, etc felt by a dog can also be effectively reduced by using CBD products.

CBD Dosage For Dogs

Studies regarding the dosage of CBD that can be provided to a dog are still progressing. As of now, there is no universal dosage for CBD products that can work with all dogs. The effectiveness of CBD on dogs varies with respect to body weight, breed, etc. First, decide whether your dog needs CBD or not. It may be unnecessary to provide CBD to dogs that don’t have any serious illnesses.

Many dog owners who are willing to give CBD to their dogs don’t have any idea of what dosage they should start with. If you are in such a situation, start with a small dosage. There are specific CBD products for pets and sometimes they mention the safe doses in their packages. You should start with a dose smaller than the mentioned dose. If you are using human-grade CBD oil, first confirm that there are no components that could intoxicate your dog. Start with a dose of 0.25 mg CBD per pound of body weight. If you find this dosage ineffective, you can increase the dose slightly. Any dosages above 0.5 mg/pound of body weight can cause serious side effects and may be toxic.