Hashimoto’s disease, sometimes referred to as chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis, is an autoimmune thyroid disorder. It causes the immune system of the person to attack the thyroid, causing it to become damaged to the point that it can no longer manufacture its hormones. Hashimoto’s disease is set apart by the swelling up of the thyroid gland. It is the prime cause of hypothyroidism, which is defined by a least active thyroid. A few of Hashimoto’s patients are likely to develop a goiter, which is a mass on the thyroid caused by the swelling and causes neck pain.
Women are prone to develop Hashimoto’s disease. It can, however, strike anyone at any age, including men and children. Hashimoto’s disease causes dry skin, puffy face, weariness, weight gain, hair loss, discomfort, and other symptoms.
Treating Hashimoto’s Disease
The etiology of Hashimoto’s illness and other thyroid problems has yet to be discovered by researchers. The fundamental concept, however, centers on chronic inflammation brought on by an overactive immune system. Taking levothyroxine, a thyroid medicine that uses a specific hormone to correct a thyroid hormone shortage is the traditional Hashimoto treatment. Meanwhile, CBD could be a safer option for Hashimoto’s patients.
CBD For Hashimoto’s Disease
The anti-inflammatory traits of CBD have been thoroughly investigated and proved through innumerable inquests. CBD supplementation slowed illness progression in mice, reports a study published in 2020. CBD reduced the level of pro-inflammatory cytokines that are known to cause inflammatory reactions, according to the study’s findings. Thyroid illnesses like Hashimoto’s have been linked to cytokines.
The researchers of a 2011 study indicated that cytokines play a key role in the development of thyroid autoimmune diseases. They also discovered that cytokine regulation could aid in the treatment of autoimmune diseases. CBD and other cannabinoids, according to a 2020 study, can prevent the release of inflammatory cytokines, making them potential immunosuppressants. CBD may have the ability to reduce chronic inflammation in the body based on these qualities.
Why Should You Take CBD For Managing Hashimoto’s Disease?
If you plan to take CBD oil products for alleviating Hashimoto’s disease, you should note that it is completely safe when compared to other medications because CBD is a natural compound and it does not cause any severe side effects.
In addition to Hashimoto’s disease, CBD alleviates several other health disorders that affect your body. It can help in managing several symptoms of this condition. CBD helps in alleviating insomnia, which is very common in people suffering from thyroid problems.