Hemp CBD is perhaps promoted to consumers as a natural means to treat anxiety, stress, depression, and many other health conditions. Besides, there is some scientific evidence that it can help people to cope with the above and many other health issues. Despite the above-mentioned things, the federal legislation does not allow mentioning those CBD effects for product promotion. In the event of the FTC or FDA discovering a company that makes CBD marketing claims, then there would at least be a warning to it.
In the recent past, the Food and Drug Administration delivered notices to some CBD makers that warn them against making the claims. The companies that got the FDA warning letters on CBD may feel that the federal agency let them off. On the other hand, in penalizing some manufacturers for wrong claims about CBD, the FTA took a more serious step against these statements.
The DC-based attorney, Kristi Wolff specializes in cannabis law, and she recently weighed in on the matter. Wolff recently said that the aggressive claims from some cannabidiol companies stem from a fast-developing industry where the claims tend to be made with no scientific evidence. For this reason, Wolff compared a part of those manufacturers to ‘cowboys’ that operate in unchartered waters.
She even compared the CBD sector to a lawless place that we often refer to as The Wild West. This is another way of saying that there is no hard and fast rule about cannabidiol. Therefore, the number of those forms of claims is increasing to such an extent that federal agencies like the FDA and FTC have to do something about it.
The FTC penalties come at a time when hemp agricultures start harvesting their first plants after Texas made hemp creation legal in 2019. Anyhow, as for Wolff, the FTC measures should not damage the agriculturalists as the requirement for CBD goods is still strong.
Interestingly, legal professionals like Wolff believe that individuals would seek a product they feel would help them, albeit these claims are not made on it. That makes sense, especially given the fact that there is limited scientific research on CBD and yet there is much demand for products that contain it. There is also a lot of anecdotal evidence on cannabidiol, so new users who search for it online may be interested in buying it.